For those of you who already own the CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON CD on the Intrada label (MAF-7054D), you can now create an
almost-complete soundtrack of the Gill-Man’s film!
Because all 15 minutes of Hans Salter’s music on the Intrada CD appears under index #1, here are the timings from that CD so you can make a tape of all the music in film
order. Please note that some of our CD cues offer extra music from what was heard in the film, and the repeated cues in the film only feature partial versions of the original cues. 
“Main Title” (MMM-1952 cue #7) “Prologue” (MMM-1952 cue #8) “The Webbed Hand” (MMM-1952 cue #9)
“The Diver” (MMM-1952 cue #10) “Marine Life” (MMM-1952 cue #11) “That Hand Again” (MMM-1952 cue #24) “Almost Caught” (MMM-1952 cue #12)
“Digger’s Failure” (MMM-1952 cue #13) “Unknown River” (MMM-1952 cue #14 or #45) “Tale Of The Mermaid” (MMM-1952 cue #15)
“Salvage Of The Lady Luck” (MMM-1952 cue #16) “Duke’s Little Helper” (MMM-1952 cue #17) “Salvage Of The Lady Luck” (MMM-1952 cue #16)
“Brad Rescues Tony, Part 2” (MMM-1952 cue #21) “Kay And The Monster, Part 1” (MMM-1952 cue #18) “Kay And The Monster, Part 2” (MMM-1952 cue #19)
“Tony Visits Port Royale, Part 1” (MMM-1952 cue #20) “That Hand Again” (MMM-1952 cue #24) “Monster Gets Mark, Part 1” (MMM-1952 cue #27)
“Brad Rescues Tony, Part 2” (MMM-1952 cue #21) “The Monster Strikes Back” (Intrada CD :00 - 1:09) “Henry’s Trap” MMM-1952 cue #22)
“Clay Meets A Badman” (MMM-1952 cue #23) "Monster Attacks, Part 1" (Intrada CD 1:10 - 3:20) “Monster Attacks, Part 2" (Intrada CD 3:21 - 5:23)
“Monster Attacks, Part 3" (Intrada CD 5:23 - 6:56) “Monster Caught” (MMM-1952 cue #25) “The Thing Follows” (MMM-1950 cue #19 from It Came From Outer Space) “Monster Caught” (MMM-1952 cue #25) “The Thing Follows” (MMM-1950 cue #19 from It Came From Outer
Space) “Monster Attacks, Part 3" (Intrada CD 5:23 - 6:56) “Minyora’s Plan” (MMM-1952 cue #26) “Monster Gets Mark, Part 1” (MMM-1952 cue #27)
“Monster Gets Mark, Part 2” (MMM-1952 cue #28) “Monster Aboard" (Intrada CD 6:57 - 7:59) "Doping The Monster" (Intrada CD 7:59 - 8:31)
“The Monster's Trial" (Intrada CD 8:31 - 8:53) "Doping The Monster" (Intrada CD 8:53 - 10:20) "Kay's Last Peril" (Intrada CD 10:20 - 11:54)
"Mob Psychology" (Intrada CD 11:55 - 12:15) "Kay's Last Peril" (Intrada CD 12:15 - 13:02) “End Title” (from either MMM-1952 cue #29 or Intrada CD 13:03 - 14:56)
“End Cast” (MMM-1952 cue #30)