Some memorable, entertaining, and enlightening places to visit!

The Official Bob Burns Web Site Web site of the one-and-only Bob Burns, legendary sci-fi expert!
Masatoshi Mitsumoto Web site for Monstrous Movie Music’s immensely-talented conductor
Robert Aragon Web site of Monstrous Movie Music’s wonderful cover
artist, creator of the Teddy Bear, Cuds!
Godzilla & Other Monster Music Phenomenal site devoted to great Japanese film
composers like the late great Akira Ifukube and Masaru Satoh. Incredibly-detailed discography for those obsessed with giant shrimp, gargantuas, enormous moths, and other Asian delights!
Mike Pinder Web site for the heart and soul (and often voice) of the legendary Moody Blues.
Laurel Records Renowned record label specializing in a wide range of world-premiere
classical recordings. Founded by legendary film and television composer, the late Herschel Burke Gilbert. They deserve their reputation of producing technically-superb recordings.
Atomic Enjoyable site that pokes some silly fun at some of the monster movies we love.
The B-Movie Cast The B-Movie Cast is a website podcast and forum devoted to B-movies and cult movies
Janina Faye Web site for the talented British actress known to monster lovers for her roles in The Day of the Triffids, Dracula, and The Two Faces of Doctor Jekyll
Werner Richard Heymann Web site devoted to the supremely-talented composer who wrote for classic films including Ninotchka, One
Million B.C., To Be Or Not To Be, Hail The Conquering Hero, and so many others, and whose music was re-used in an incredible number of additional pictures such as the science fiction thrillers The 27th Day, It Came From
Beneath the Sea, and 20 Million Miles to Earth.
The Best Turntable If you cherish your vinyl records, this great site has a
ton of tips to help you get the most out of your collection!
The Musical Saw and Theremin Page Thereminist Robert Froehner serenades you with his amazing musical prowess!

Vincent DiFate Web site of the renowned science fiction artist,
including a gallery of his work, limited-edition prints, and a link to buy his landmark book, “Infinite Worlds.”
Jeff Foskett One of the best pop musicians in the world today. Flawlessly written,
performed, and produced music, not to mention a whole lot of fun to listen to. The perfect tunes to add some California sunshine to your life!
Widescreen Movies Very informative and enjoyable magazine devoted to long pictures (size, not
length), but they also cover other film-related topics.
Film Score Monthly THE place to get the latest film music information. If you want to hear males
in their mid-twenties argue over who’s better -- Jerry Goldsmith or John Williams -- when they really should turn off the CD player from time-to-time
and go out on a date with a woman, you won’t want to miss FSM’s message board.
Matt Winans’ Tarzan Movie Guide
The best Tarzan site on the internet. Make a cup of tea while you wait for the marvelous images to load
CheesyFlix Mystery Science Theater episodes, thousands of cheesy movies, and old time radio!
The Astounding B Monster Astounding site devoted to classic “B” films, which means lots of sci-fi
classics and not-so-classic pictures
Film Music Review - The Web Magazine
Highly-enjoyable site devoted to film music. Offers extremely lengthy and detailed reviews as well as contests, opinion pieces, and much, much more.
One of the best soundtrack sites on the internet, covering lots of great Golden Age scores in addition to more contemporary offerings

Astronomy Picture Of The Day Terrific NASA site showing the Wonders of the Universe
David Miller’s Theremin Page
Even if you’re not a Theremin nut, this is a great site to learn not only about the magical Theremin, but the Electro Theremin, which was used in The Giant Gila Monster, Lost In Space, and “Good Vibrations.” Fabulous audio
samples will help make you an expert in the field of electronic musical instruments!
John Scott’s Web Page Web Site devoted to the great film music composer (Greystoke, King Kong
Mara Corday Web site of the sexy star of Tarantula, The Black Scorpion, and The Giant Claw. That spider had good taste!
Theremin World Learn all about the electronic instrument used in It Came From Outer Space and other classic films
Filmfax The Magazine of Film and Unusual Television is one of the most enjoyable
reads of any film-related magazine on the market. Never a boring issue!
Slovak Republic All about the lovely country where Monstrous Movie Music recorded three film music CDs
Video Watchdog Journal features reviews and articles about all sorts of films, CDs, videos,
DVDs, and on and on.
Starburst Even though they’re all the way over in Britain, this enjoyable science fiction
magazine still wanted to review us! Are they great or what?