Milton Rosen
Born in Yonkers, New York on August 2, 1906, Milton Sonnett Rosen attended Damrosch's Institute Of Musical Art, studying composition and orchestration
under Pietro Floridia. Rosen wrote “Fantasie Americana” and “A Columnist Suite” in the mid-1930s, both of which were performed at Carnegie Hall and by The Boston Symphony Orchestra
under Arthur Fiedler. After working as a violinist and orchestrator for radio and theaters in New York, Rosen was hired in 1935 to compose, arrange, and conduct for radio WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in 1939
he became a composer and conductor for Universal. 
From 1950 through 1973 he was assistant to the head of Universal's Music Department, occasionally taking on the role of Musical
Director. Rosen arranged, supervised, composed, and conducted music for over 300 feature films, shorts, and television commercials. He contributed songs or scores to pictures such as 13 Lead Soldiers, The Challenge, City Beneath The Sea (some cues re-used
in Creature From The Black Lagoon), The Creeper, Enter Arsene Lupin, Everything But The Truth, The Glass Web, Kansas Raiders,
Lost In Alaska, Meet Me At The Fair, Pirates Of Monterey, Rails Into Laramie, Ride Clear Of Diablo, Shady Lady, Slave Girl, The Spider Woman Strikes Back, Sudan, Swing Out Sister, Tangier,
Target Unknown, White Tie And Tails, and The Time Of Their Lives. Rosen passed away on December 28, 1994 in Kailua, Hawaii.