Monstrous Movie Music specializes in previously unavailable classic monster music, sci-fi music, and other film music from the 1940s -
1970s. Our CDs contain music from some of the finest composers working in motion pictures of that era, and their brilliant soundtrack music speaks for itself and is also perfect for licensing
Almost all our CDs include bonus tracks, music cut from the films, and each release features illustrated liner books that will tell you more
about the music and the composers than you ever dreamed possible! (Assuming you dream about such things...)
Our re-recordings were conducted by Masatoshi Mitsumoto leading the Radio Symphony Orchestras of Cracow and Slovakia in vibrantly-authentic performances that have been faithfully restored by music expert Kathleen Mayne. Our original soundtrack releases are made from the best surviving music elements -- often from the composers’ own private tapes --
remastered to bring out all the excitement of the music. Our striking covers were painted by renowned horror artist Robert Aragon and legendary science fiction illustrator Vincent DiFate.